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01 | Micro Diaries

I started publishing a micro diary on here in 2019. Once a year is completed, it will be archived here. Those archived pages might take a moment to render because the entire year is preloaded, but ... have a look.2024: 2024 was our second full year at our new apartment and we improved many aspects, added more roof terrace furniture, a raised [garden] bed for vegetables and spices as well as assorted bits here and there. Considering the steep increase in rents in this country, our new place isn't as expensive anymore as it was when we started out; in fact, it has, surprisingly quickly, become comparatively cheap. I also ditched all my social network and most other accounts this year and have taken more than one deep breath since then. The insanity and all the people motivated by esoteric or conspiratorial ideas, all those people spouting conspiracy nonsense, all but disappeared. The various news sites I still frequent reference that cess pit all too often, but lately I have limited myself to only reading headlines of those articles, whose content I already know before clicking "read more". My health hasn't been the greatest and 2025 will see me having to get lots of things done, but life is good and will continue to be so, I hope.2023: 2023 was the year I retired earlier than I thought I would when I started out 30 years previously. On the first of March I had hoped that I could just merrily skip off into the sunset, but then my father passed away, my health problems increased, I broke three toes, needed to get teeth pulled, etc. Nevertheless, we continued to enjoy the first full year at our new place in "enemy territory", the neighbouring state next to where I used to work and the state my wife continues to happily work in at her new school. Despite everything else listed above, life was and is good.2022: 2022 was a year which probably brought more change(s) to my life than any previous years. After we got married the year before, we finally managed to move together. The last few months of the year were difficult and I veered far off my beaten path ... those last three months I was simply unable to post. There simply wasn't any time left to do so. Life tends to be like that once in a while.2021: 2021 was not only the second Covid-19 pandemic year, it was also another year in which I became increasingly disillusioned with online life. There's just too much disinformation, hate and online vitriol. Although I took almost a month off from online life, I again managed to be quite consistent in regard to my posting schedule. Most importantly, I got married to the best person on the planet and I have a great life. I'll try not to complain too much about the rest in 2022.2020: Despite two longer breaks I took from anything online, also because the COVID-19 pandemic enforced a digital lifestyle which I didn't like or want, 2020 was a pretty consistent year in regard to posting regularly. The 2020 micro diary was archived on January 16, 2021.2019: I started my micro diary here on August 1, 2019 and archived it on December 31, 2019. I think I managed my posting schedule quite well.


02 | Year in Photos

In 2020, I started publishing photo albums for each year to supplement my annual micro blogs. These photo albums take a while to load, simply because the service I use preloads the entire page, but if you are interested, here they are:2020: 2020 was they year of consecutive Covid lockdowns. We still managed because we have been - and continue to be - the types to make the best of these annoying situations. We travelled as much as possible, made things cozy for ourselves and we did our best to enjoy life, with great food, enjoying the outdoors, diving into good music and keeping busy ... in the positive sense of the word. Yes, we were and are privileged and had the right mindset, to boot.

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